My Inspiration...

One of my proudest moments of being a personal trainer is when my client, Heidi Lankford, completed the Las Vegas Half Marathon on December 2nd. This was Heidi's first half marathon and I will have to say she did amazing!

I started training Heidi in January of 2007. Heidi always told me that she was not a runner....but low and behold I have made a runner out of her. She is truly an inspiration to me and I am so proud of her accomplishments. What is next....maybe a full marathon?


Unknown said...

that is AWESOME! she rocks my world.

Audrey said...

Congrats! Running a half is on my list this year too! It is nice to see all of your hard work pay off!!

Jan said...

Yay for you!! You're awesome -- if only I could have you whip me back into shape!

Heidi said...

Thanks Megan!! You are great trainer and friend! Thanks for sticking by me and pushing me when I had nothing left! I am looking forward to June 1st and running the San Diego Marathon with you!!