Try this move...

Push-Ups are one of the world's oldest exercises. Unfortunately today, Push-Ups are only used by the military, as part of sport conditioning and to set records for the Guiness Book. Push-ups will focus on toning your shoulders and upper back.

How to do:

1.Assume a prone position on the floor with your body weight supported by your hands and balls of your feet.

2. Your hands should be placed in line with your shoulders and your fingers should be pointed in at a 45 degree angle.

3. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor and then raise yourself.

4. For variety your elbows can jut outward, remain close to thebody or you can perform the movement between benches for agreater range of motion.


Unknown said...

can you see me doing pushups? not so much. i really need you to come be my drill sargent!

Jan said...

I think I"m way too wimpy for these -- I agree with Natalie -- come be our coach!