Anyone that has had or has a toodler knows that they can be the biggest work-out of all! My daughter is 20 months now and only has one speed - RUNNING FAST! She wants to walk everywhere instead of using her stroller. She is doing a great job of staying close to I think of it as a good way for her to burn energy. The more she runs, the more tired she will be.

Sienna at the Shark Reef at the Mandalay Bay
So I got thinking about how much energy she has...and I realized how active I have to be to keep up with this little thing. So thank you Sienna for all of the extra calories you have made me burn. She could be my very own personal trainer!
She'll do that for you for sure - -love the busy-ness of a little person!
That is so true! They never stop. She looks so dang cute. I wish we could see you guys more so her and Ava could play together. I think we might be headin to St. George in a couple of weekends, so we will give you guys a call. I wish I lived close to do your boot camp.
She is such a little cutie pie!
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