Promotes wrinkling and aging skin, makes your blood acidic, can lead to osteoporosis, rots your teeth, raises your blood sugar level, contributes to obesity, is addictive (almost as much as drugs), can create the urge to binge, provides 'empty calories' with no nutritional value, contributes to diabetes, robs your body of minerals, robs you of energy, contributes to heart problems, can cause cancer, contributes to ulcers, can cause gallstones, can suppress your immune system, weakens eyesight, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels)., can cause aging, can contribute to eczema and can cause arthritis.

Oh...I forgot, you get one cheat day a week (that might change a few peoples mind:)
girl, you're such a downer! just kidding. i seriously admire your commitment to your health. i'm hoping it will rub off on me. but i'm going to have to start off with an easier challenge. i think this one would kill me! :)
Wow - I don't think there's any way I can consider doing this. I'm too much of a candy person. However -- reading what you had to say about sugar is going to at least encourage me to lay off some.
Megan, I am Natalie's friend Danielle. We've met a few times, but you probably don't remember me. Anyway I am up for your challenge. So look for my email!
Oh and awesome website.
Thanks for writing this.
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