Taking 9 Months Off...I Don't Think So....

There was a time when exercise during pregnancy was discouraged-but not anymore! Times have changed! Most experts now encourage exercise during pregnancy.

In 2002, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists began recommending that pregnant women should exercise moderately for 30 minutes most days, if not every day (unless there are medical reasons prohibiting it).

The exercises you can do during pregnancy depend on two things: your current health and how active you were before you became pregnant. If you were not active before, don't use pregnancy as the time to begin a strenuous fitness regime; if you did exercise before pregnancy, you can continue your program with some slight modifications. Before you begin (or continue) any exercise program, discuss it with your health care provider. Together, the two of you can plan an exercise program that is consistent with your current level of fitness and health conditions. It is recommend to keep your heart rate under 140 during the course of your pregnancy.

Hours before I delivered my daughter Sienna

Need some ideas or have questions before or during your pregnancy? My favorite website is http://www.babyfit.com/. I used this as a resource during my pregnancy and it answered a lot of my questions.

San Diego Marathon - 6 Months Post Pregnancy
Email mbrownfitness@yahoo.com with any questions or concerns regarding pre or post natal exercise.


Jan said...

You're awesome -- I was such a slug when I was pregnant (OK, before and after too!) -- it's nice to be able to actually DO something again. I'm not out jogging again but I do spend nearly 45 minutes on the elliptical doing a program 5x a week. Whoopee -- but it's better than nothing.

Unknown said...

girl, you are so good. seriously, you look amazing. i need to do better with my next pregnancy. i was so lazy when i was preggers with mason. thanks for the site tips. i'll keep that in mind. (for the future, mind you. don't get any ideas!)

Kristi said...

Holy Cow! I am so impressed you ran a marathon a mere 6 months later. That's my goal with my next pregnancy!