Gift of Health

Adventure Boot Camp Classes

Adventure Boot Camp classes are for all levels. You take it at your pace...we will motivate you and push you so you will get a work-out of a life time. Classes will include strength training, trail running/walking, stretching, core training and yoga.
The first Adventure Boot Camp class will be on Saturday, November 10th from 9:00-10:30 am. The price per person is $15 and can be paid in cash, check or credit card. Classes must be paid for before the class starts. Classes are limited to 20 people with a minimum of 5. Please RSVP to mbrownfitness@yahoo.com to hold your place at least 48 hours prior.
For any questions, please call (702) 279-8935 or email mbrownfitness@yahoo.com. Hope to see you there!
Directions to Calico Basin:
From the 2-15 head west on Charleston heading towards Red Rock Canyon. You will see the sign for Calico Basin on your right about 5 miles from the 2-15. Turn Right and follow road up to the parking lot. Class will meet at the picnic tables.
Drink Up!

Try this move...
Healthy Recipe of the Week
Preparation time : 20 minutes

1 slice uncooked bacon diced
Healthy Recipe of the Week

Boot Camp Classes

Boot camp classes are designed to burn fat, build and tone muscle, rev up your metabolism, lose weight, improve your fitness, save time and money and most importantly HAVE FUN!
How long and how many days a week is each program?
How are Results Measured?
Body Fat Test at first and last session
Body Measurements/weight taken at the first and last session
Before and After Pictures
What is I haven’t worked out in months or years?
Classes will be held at a community park of the group's choice (in the area of town where everyone lives/works). Vo2 Fitness services northwest Las Vegas, Summerlin and Alliante.
4 Week Program
3 Days Per Week
Total of 12 Sessions
Price Per Person: $150
6 Week Program
3 Days Per Week
Total of 18 Sessions
Price Per Person: $199
8 Week Program
3 Days Per Week
Total of 24 Sessions
Price Per Person: $260
*Prices are based on a 5 person minimum*
To reserve classes for your group, email Vo2 Fitness at mbrownfitness@yahoo.com two weeks prior to your program starting. There is a minimum of 5 people per group. If your group is smaller than 5 people pricing will change.
Please bring the following to each session:
Water Bottle
Comfortable athletic clothing
Running/Walking Shoes
Please contact Vo2 Fitness at mbrownfitness@yahoo.com or (702) 279-8935 with any questions or concerns.
Move of the Week

The only equipment that you need is a stability ball...eventually you will work up to using hand held weights. You can purchase a stability ball at any sports store or even target. They start at $15 and up.
How to perform a ball squat:
1. Place the stability ball against wall and lean against it with the ball set in the small of your back.
2. Squat down on your heels to a 90 degree angle arcing the small of your back on the way down. Keep contact with the stability ball throughout the decent.
3. Push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat the action again.
Do 3 sets of 15 Squats. Once the exercise become comfortable, add in hand held weights.
Healthy Recipe of the Week

Beat all ingredients with hand beater or whisk until smooth. (For thinner pancakes, stir in additional 2 to 4 tablespoons milk.)
Spray griddle or 10-inch non stick skillet with cooking spray. Heat griddle over medium heat or to 375 degrees.
For each pancake, pour about 1/4 cup batter onto hot griddle. Cook pancakes until puffed and dry around edges. Turn and cook other side until golden brown.
1 pancake: Calories 65 (Calories from Fat 25); Fat 3g (saturated 1g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 220mg; Carbohydrates 8g (Dietary Fiber 1g); Protein 2g
Something worth watching....

Healthy Recipe of the Week

1 small green bell pepper, chopped (1/2 cup)
Try This Move!
This in not only a great upper body exercise, but when performed correctly, is a great core exercise that adds advanced shoulder stabilization. This exercise involves your back, triceps, shoulders, and core muscles. To perform this exercise correctly:
1. Starting on your hands and knees
2. Elbows should be shoulder width apart, elbows bent with arms in a 90 degree angle.
3. Curl your toes under and push your body off of the ground
4. Body should be straight during movement
5. Make sure to keep the core muscles, glutes, legs as tight as possible
6. Hold position until you can not hold your weight up off of the ground with your back straight.
Time yourself every time and push yourself to go a little longer each time. This is a move that you can do everyday.Breakfast - The Most Important Meal of the Day
Here is another reason why breakfast is so important: people that do not eat until lunch tent to overeat making it hard for your body to absorb all of the vitamins and nutrients. Your body will also store more fat because your body is in survival mode.

So what should you be eating? You want to be eating a breakfast that is high is fiber, protein and carbohydrates. We are all busy so here are some quick and healthy breakfast ideas:
My Little Pocket Bible
Here are some reasons why I love this book:
It is small enough to fit in your purse!
Has over 11,000 food listings
Over 200 Restaurants and Fast Food Chains
Is rated #1 by health professionals and consumers
Breaks down your calories, fat and carbohydrates.

It is a little more work...but boy does it pay off! My favorite saying, "Know before you eat it." Most people think they are eating less than they actually are. Take the challenge and track what you eat for a week. You might be surprised what you find.
For nutritional questions, email VO2 Fitness at mbrownfitness@yahoo.com .
Pilates...Don't Judge It Before You Try It!
Your core muscles are around your middle that help support your spine. Pilate's has proven to help rehabilitate athletes and even help improve there game. Many health clubs are starting new Pilate's classes designed just for golfers. Just think...every time you swing a golf club you are engaging your core. If your core was stronger so would your game. Don't judge it before you try it!
VO2 Fitness offers private and group Pilate's classes. For pricing and availability email mbrownfitness@yahoo.com.
Where does VO2 Come From?
The VO2 Max King
You can not talk about VO2 Max without mentioning Lance Armstrong. He is known for being a 7 time winner of the Tour de France but also for his remarkable high VO2 Max. In 1987, when he was sixteen-years-old, he was invited to the Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas. The Cooper Institute was a leader in fitness and aerobic conditioning research. Armstrong was given a VO2 Max test to measure the amount of oxygen his lungs consumed during exercise. His levels were the highest ever recorded at the clinic.
The Old Saying, "No Pain, No Gain"
In order to reach your goals, you need to train at the right intensity. A heart rate monitor is one of ways you can accurately measure your intensity or your exertion level. Most heart rate monitor will display your heart rate during your workout and the number of calories exerted. Not to sound like a salesman...a heart rate monitor is great way to tracking your calories burned to help you work towards your goal. Heart rate monitors range from $50 up.

What is the right intensity you should be working out to reach your goal? Here are your target zones:
60-70% of max heart rate is good for weight loss, building endurance or recovery
70-80% of max heart rate is good for improving cardiovascular fitness
80%+ of max heart rate is good for interval workouts working anaerobic (with-out oxygen)
You can find your max heart rate with this equation:
220 - YOUR AGE = Max Heart Rate
Walking the Open 18
Here this for a thought...one of my clients walked the course (you know who you are) the other day and she wore her heart rate monitor. She burned over 1,000 calories walking the course! Just think...no dreaded treadmill or gym, just enjoying your stroll during your golf game.
So for those who play or are thinking of a new way to shed off a few extra pounds, maybe golf is the game for you. Next time you play say, "No thanks" to the cart!

Taking 9 Months Off...I Don't Think So....
In 2002, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists began recommending that pregnant women should exercise moderately for 30 minutes most days, if not every day (unless there are medical reasons prohibiting it).
The exercises you can do during pregnancy depend on two things: your current health and how active you were before you became pregnant. If you were not active before, don't use pregnancy as the time to begin a strenuous fitness regime; if you did exercise before pregnancy, you can continue your program with some slight modifications. Before you begin (or continue) any exercise program, discuss it with your health care provider. Together, the two of you can plan an exercise program that is consistent with your current level of fitness and health conditions. It is recommend to keep your heart rate under 140 during the course of your pregnancy.
Hours before I delivered my daughter Sienna
Need some ideas or have questions before or during your pregnancy? My favorite website is http://www.babyfit.com/. I used this as a resource during my pregnancy and it answered a lot of my questions.
A Spoon full of Sugar Makes the Medicine go Down???
Promotes wrinkling and aging skin, makes your blood acidic, can lead to osteoporosis, rots your teeth, raises your blood sugar level, contributes to obesity, is addictive (almost as much as drugs), can create the urge to binge, provides 'empty calories' with no nutritional value, contributes to diabetes, robs your body of minerals, robs you of energy, contributes to heart problems, can cause cancer, contributes to ulcers, can cause gallstones, can suppress your immune system, weakens eyesight, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels)., can cause aging, can contribute to eczema and can cause arthritis.

Oh...I forgot, you get one cheat day a week (that might change a few peoples mind:)